José Goulão
March 13, 2025
© Photo: Public domain

The transformation of Gaza, or at least its coast, into closed housing and tourist developments has already been tested and has been in place for almost a quarter of a century.

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The mega construction entrepreneur of global business commissioned in the Presidency of the United States of America, Donald Trump, ostensibly ignoring the filters of dominant political cynicism and assuming the greed inherent in his entrepreneurship, laid his greedy eyes on the Mediterranean coast of the Gaza Strip and deduced that a new, paradisiacal and highly profitable “Riviera” could be built there.

Without knowing it, or perhaps already trying to establish a position, the civil developer-president entered the land claimed by the Zionist settlers, as they have long been demanding a return to the Gaza Strip to explore the paradise according to their own interests.

The transformation of Gaza, or at least its coast, into closed housing and tourist developments has already been tested and has been in place for almost a quarter of a century. The 19 Zionist settlements that existed in the Gaza Strip between 1982 and 2006 were private, luxury condominiums, protected by Israeli troops; they occupied 120 square kilometres, a third of the territory, with seven thousand inhabitants and a density close to 60 inhabitants per square kilometre. Around one and a half million Palestinians then lived in two thirds of the enclave, without access to the sea and with a brutal density of seven thousand inhabitants per square kilometre, the highest in the world, by a long distance. As an example, India’s density is 500 inhabitants per square kilometre, China’s is 145 and Portugal’s is 115. In 2006, war criminal Ariel Sharon, then Prime Minister, ordered the evacuation of the Gaza settlements, not because of any anti-colonization attack but because he intended to start regular terrorist offensives against the territory, continued by Netanyahu, and he did not want to have limits on the scope of military operations because Zionists live there.

In general terms, there could be a concrete impediment to be resolved for Trump’s plan to come to fruition. They lived in the enclave until recently, before Benjamin Netanyahu launched this new stage of the genocide of the original population of Palestine, more than two million people.

For Trump, after all, there is no problem. The inhabitants of the territory are sent to Arab countries, which will have to welcome and integrate them, perhaps ignoring that this process, the most recent version of the “final solution”, has been ongoing for almost eighty years and without integration. He himself, in the person of his son-in-law, invented during the first administration the so-called “Abraham Accords”, which were based on the transfer of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank to the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula and to a very modern and immense city created from scratch, Neom, already under construction in the province of Tabuk, in Saudi Arabia, linked to the aforementioned Sinai Peninsula passing through the Gulf of Aqaba and southern Jordan. In order not to deviate from the spirit of one of the objectives of the project and for the construction of Neom to be carried out in depopulated areas, an ethnic cleansing of the territory has already been carried out, at the behest of the Saudi government, mainly victimizing the Howeitat tribe. The Palestinians expelled to Neom and Sinai would mainly serve millionaire tourists who could exclusively enjoy the delights of the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. The new “Palestine” would then result from a transfer of the population of Gaza and the West Bank to a territory in Sinai by the megalomaniac Neon.

Don’t say that Trump, in his political-business heterodoxy, so to speak, is not a visionary. From Gaza to Sharm-el-Sheik and Neom, from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, in his mind is the largest and most paradisiacal tourist complex on the planet, accessible to half a dozen mafiosi who increasingly control the world. Is this not a glorious anticipation of the spirit of globalism, that bright future for which the West works so hard, even if it costs the lives and expulsion from the places of birth and residence of millions and millions of human beings?

The king goes naked

But the king goes naked. All the nonsense surrounding this extravaganza (to be taken seriously) by Trump is nothing more than a natural fruit of the immense strategy of deception and lies cultivated by mainstream politics to commit the greatest atrocities.

From some governments to the UN, Trump’s words were interpreted, with a reason that cannot be denied, as the intention to carry out ethnic cleansing.

Let’s be serious. Ethnic cleansing has long been underway in Palestine. The “death march” of Lydda in 1948, the massacre of the population of the villages of Deir Yassin, or that of Ramle, in the same year – as an example of the hundreds of Palestinian towns “depopulated” at the same time – are episodes equivalent to the ongoing massacre in Gaza or the mass expulsion carried out a few days ago in Jenin, in the North of the West Bank. It’s the same system; it’s the same process: ethnic cleansing.

Ultimately, these criminal occurrences are an inevitability of the existence of the Nazi, supremacist and racist doctrine of Zionism. “A land without a people for a people without a land” was the first founding principle of Zionism, more than 130 years ago. In other words, Palestine would be uninhabited and waiting for the Jewish people, to whom it was promised by God three thousand years ago, through the pen of Moses.

Palestine, however, was and is populated by a multifaceted and ancient people within which there was a perfectly integrated community of Palestinian Jews who, according to the theses of Zionism, were also simultaneously part of the “landless people”. It is on mystifications like this that the existence of the State of Israel is based, which does not consider itself of this world, is above all others and is not governed by earthly laws but by the dogmas of the Old Testament, with its undeniable stamp of cruelty. None of this prevents the Zionist State from being venerated by practically everyone else on the planet, as if they had a bad conscience due to the Holocaust committed by Hitler, a horror that Zionism hijacked and abusedly invokes and in which not only Jews were slaughtered, as history says, which is not known in Israel and its main allies.

An essential note that never hurts to repeat. Zionism does not represent “the Jews”, whether religious or ethnic. The two groups, Zionists and Jews, are far from overlapping, as, for example, there are not a few Christians – such as the energetic Biden and Trump – who proclaim themselves to be Zionists.

Zionism has no power of attorney to invoke the Holocaust or to consider itself representative of all Jews, many of whom – who tells us they are not the majority? – do not identify with the ethnic cleansing and episodes of genocide committed in their name and considered indispensable for the goal of Zionism to be achieved: the creation of Greater Israel, from the Nile to the Euphrates, at least. This was the land promised by the god of the Zionists, this is the land that Zionism wants to annex, whatever means it has to use. Judaism is not governed by these goals and ambitions. Zionism is a corruption of Judaism, it is a colonial, inhumane and supremacist doctrine that considers other peoples as “foreigners” and without the same rights. None of this has to do with the Jews, Judaism and its immense ancient culture, of which there are great technical, scientific, economic and artistic examples – from literature to music, from painting, sculpture and architecture to cinema.

Reality demonstrated, of course, that Palestine was inhabited. In order for “the Jews” to settle there, it was therefore necessary to expel the Palestinians. An action that should be done, Zionist theorists wrote, to create a state “with a European-type regime.” The so-called “only democracy in the Middle East”, whose results are visible.

But if Palestine was inhabited, a way was found to turn things around and forcefully fit them into the Zionist doctrine.

That is why it is natural to hear Israeli ministers of today and yesterday, far-right activists, religious fanatics or settlers with no roots in Palestine – some are not even Jews, in the true sense of the word – assert that Palestinians “are not human”; or they are “barbarians”, or “animals”, or “savages”, or “sub-humans”; or “Palestinians and other ‘goyim’ (foreigners and non-Jews) have a soul closer to the soul of animals than to the soul of a Jew”, read, in this case, from a Zionist. In short, inferior beings who must be driven away so that “God’s will” can be fulfilled and, finally, that promised land can be sanctified.

Donald Trump, after all, enunciated, with crude and inconvenient words for bad consciences, especially Western ones, a concept that is inherent to Zionism, not Judaism.

Scandal with Trump’s resort in Gaza? After all, it is another episode of ethnic cleansing that the world has been watching, sometimes wordy but always calm and serene, for almost 80 years. Some governments and things like that in the European Union insist, like a mantra, on the “two-state solution” without lifting a finger about it; others express solidarity with Palestine and the Palestinians and either have no influence or feel that they fulfil their duty in this way; the UN risks some more acrimonious words but has the knife and cheese in its hand to enforce laws that it has approved and does not respect; to apply resolutions that it ignores and stores one after another, transformed into diplomatic archaeology and international law. It has its “peace forces”, which it prefers to use as colonial troops; represents all countries on the planet but is afraid of Israel, in addition to being unable to denounce the harmful and toxic concept of Zionism. UN had enough courage and authority to impose sanctions against the apartheid regime in South Africa but are unable or unwilling to do the same against apartheid in Israel Scandal with Trump’s frankness? Perhaps it will motivate some influential leaders to be shocked by the lightness with which the American president addresses the intended fate of the Palestinians and to think seriously about those human beings who struggle to survive in the hell of Gaza in degrading refugee camps and devastated cities and villages; and that they cannot even, because of the “right to existence” of the Zionist State, step on the sand of the beaches, fish by hand or bathe in the warm Mediterranean waters.

There is at least some unrest in political and media circles, without a doubt, also because Trump. What if Biden had uttered the same words as Trump? Would he be a creative president in proposing an effective solution to the Gaza problem? Or just another Christian Zionist complicit in genocide and ethnic cleansing? The doubt remains.

Better late than never, it will be said about the fuss. In this case it is difficult for the aphorism to be true. Trump and his confidant Benjamin Netanyahu – who, let’s be honest, gained new life because his chakras didn’t align very well with Biden’s – will continue the saga against the Palestinian people; the world around, especially in the West, will return to its usual passivity, unable or unwilling to go beyond words. The Palestinians will continue to be alone and unprotected, even with their inexhaustible capacity for struggle and resistance, with only the planetary solidarity of citizens and civic organizations at their side capable of giving them some encouragement and whose effectiveness in development efforts is increasingly notable.

Preventive clarification

This text is not anti-Semitic, it simply disobeys the Zionist decree that intends to equate, once again abusively, the concept of anti-Semitism with the healthy and democratic exercise of criticism of the Zionist doctrine and the behaviour of the State of Israel. Zionism is, in theory and in practice, the most anti-Semitic concept applied to the face of the planet as it defines other Semitic peoples as anti-Semitic, namely Palestinians and even Jewish communities in Palestine who are against the existence of the State of Israel. As for Western governments that accept the Zionist definition of anti-Semitism, even intending to criminalize those who are disobedient and impose it within the framework of a single opinion, they themselves are nothing more than anti-Semites.

Ethnic cleansing? It is 80 years old…

The transformation of Gaza, or at least its coast, into closed housing and tourist developments has already been tested and has been in place for almost a quarter of a century.

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The mega construction entrepreneur of global business commissioned in the Presidency of the United States of America, Donald Trump, ostensibly ignoring the filters of dominant political cynicism and assuming the greed inherent in his entrepreneurship, laid his greedy eyes on the Mediterranean coast of the Gaza Strip and deduced that a new, paradisiacal and highly profitable “Riviera” could be built there.

Without knowing it, or perhaps already trying to establish a position, the civil developer-president entered the land claimed by the Zionist settlers, as they have long been demanding a return to the Gaza Strip to explore the paradise according to their own interests.

The transformation of Gaza, or at least its coast, into closed housing and tourist developments has already been tested and has been in place for almost a quarter of a century. The 19 Zionist settlements that existed in the Gaza Strip between 1982 and 2006 were private, luxury condominiums, protected by Israeli troops; they occupied 120 square kilometres, a third of the territory, with seven thousand inhabitants and a density close to 60 inhabitants per square kilometre. Around one and a half million Palestinians then lived in two thirds of the enclave, without access to the sea and with a brutal density of seven thousand inhabitants per square kilometre, the highest in the world, by a long distance. As an example, India’s density is 500 inhabitants per square kilometre, China’s is 145 and Portugal’s is 115. In 2006, war criminal Ariel Sharon, then Prime Minister, ordered the evacuation of the Gaza settlements, not because of any anti-colonization attack but because he intended to start regular terrorist offensives against the territory, continued by Netanyahu, and he did not want to have limits on the scope of military operations because Zionists live there.

In general terms, there could be a concrete impediment to be resolved for Trump’s plan to come to fruition. They lived in the enclave until recently, before Benjamin Netanyahu launched this new stage of the genocide of the original population of Palestine, more than two million people.

For Trump, after all, there is no problem. The inhabitants of the territory are sent to Arab countries, which will have to welcome and integrate them, perhaps ignoring that this process, the most recent version of the “final solution”, has been ongoing for almost eighty years and without integration. He himself, in the person of his son-in-law, invented during the first administration the so-called “Abraham Accords”, which were based on the transfer of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank to the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula and to a very modern and immense city created from scratch, Neom, already under construction in the province of Tabuk, in Saudi Arabia, linked to the aforementioned Sinai Peninsula passing through the Gulf of Aqaba and southern Jordan. In order not to deviate from the spirit of one of the objectives of the project and for the construction of Neom to be carried out in depopulated areas, an ethnic cleansing of the territory has already been carried out, at the behest of the Saudi government, mainly victimizing the Howeitat tribe. The Palestinians expelled to Neom and Sinai would mainly serve millionaire tourists who could exclusively enjoy the delights of the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. The new “Palestine” would then result from a transfer of the population of Gaza and the West Bank to a territory in Sinai by the megalomaniac Neon.

Don’t say that Trump, in his political-business heterodoxy, so to speak, is not a visionary. From Gaza to Sharm-el-Sheik and Neom, from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, in his mind is the largest and most paradisiacal tourist complex on the planet, accessible to half a dozen mafiosi who increasingly control the world. Is this not a glorious anticipation of the spirit of globalism, that bright future for which the West works so hard, even if it costs the lives and expulsion from the places of birth and residence of millions and millions of human beings?

The king goes naked

But the king goes naked. All the nonsense surrounding this extravaganza (to be taken seriously) by Trump is nothing more than a natural fruit of the immense strategy of deception and lies cultivated by mainstream politics to commit the greatest atrocities.

From some governments to the UN, Trump’s words were interpreted, with a reason that cannot be denied, as the intention to carry out ethnic cleansing.

Let’s be serious. Ethnic cleansing has long been underway in Palestine. The “death march” of Lydda in 1948, the massacre of the population of the villages of Deir Yassin, or that of Ramle, in the same year – as an example of the hundreds of Palestinian towns “depopulated” at the same time – are episodes equivalent to the ongoing massacre in Gaza or the mass expulsion carried out a few days ago in Jenin, in the North of the West Bank. It’s the same system; it’s the same process: ethnic cleansing.

Ultimately, these criminal occurrences are an inevitability of the existence of the Nazi, supremacist and racist doctrine of Zionism. “A land without a people for a people without a land” was the first founding principle of Zionism, more than 130 years ago. In other words, Palestine would be uninhabited and waiting for the Jewish people, to whom it was promised by God three thousand years ago, through the pen of Moses.

Palestine, however, was and is populated by a multifaceted and ancient people within which there was a perfectly integrated community of Palestinian Jews who, according to the theses of Zionism, were also simultaneously part of the “landless people”. It is on mystifications like this that the existence of the State of Israel is based, which does not consider itself of this world, is above all others and is not governed by earthly laws but by the dogmas of the Old Testament, with its undeniable stamp of cruelty. None of this prevents the Zionist State from being venerated by practically everyone else on the planet, as if they had a bad conscience due to the Holocaust committed by Hitler, a horror that Zionism hijacked and abusedly invokes and in which not only Jews were slaughtered, as history says, which is not known in Israel and its main allies.

An essential note that never hurts to repeat. Zionism does not represent “the Jews”, whether religious or ethnic. The two groups, Zionists and Jews, are far from overlapping, as, for example, there are not a few Christians – such as the energetic Biden and Trump – who proclaim themselves to be Zionists.

Zionism has no power of attorney to invoke the Holocaust or to consider itself representative of all Jews, many of whom – who tells us they are not the majority? – do not identify with the ethnic cleansing and episodes of genocide committed in their name and considered indispensable for the goal of Zionism to be achieved: the creation of Greater Israel, from the Nile to the Euphrates, at least. This was the land promised by the god of the Zionists, this is the land that Zionism wants to annex, whatever means it has to use. Judaism is not governed by these goals and ambitions. Zionism is a corruption of Judaism, it is a colonial, inhumane and supremacist doctrine that considers other peoples as “foreigners” and without the same rights. None of this has to do with the Jews, Judaism and its immense ancient culture, of which there are great technical, scientific, economic and artistic examples – from literature to music, from painting, sculpture and architecture to cinema.

Reality demonstrated, of course, that Palestine was inhabited. In order for “the Jews” to settle there, it was therefore necessary to expel the Palestinians. An action that should be done, Zionist theorists wrote, to create a state “with a European-type regime.” The so-called “only democracy in the Middle East”, whose results are visible.

But if Palestine was inhabited, a way was found to turn things around and forcefully fit them into the Zionist doctrine.

That is why it is natural to hear Israeli ministers of today and yesterday, far-right activists, religious fanatics or settlers with no roots in Palestine – some are not even Jews, in the true sense of the word – assert that Palestinians “are not human”; or they are “barbarians”, or “animals”, or “savages”, or “sub-humans”; or “Palestinians and other ‘goyim’ (foreigners and non-Jews) have a soul closer to the soul of animals than to the soul of a Jew”, read, in this case, from a Zionist. In short, inferior beings who must be driven away so that “God’s will” can be fulfilled and, finally, that promised land can be sanctified.

Donald Trump, after all, enunciated, with crude and inconvenient words for bad consciences, especially Western ones, a concept that is inherent to Zionism, not Judaism.

Scandal with Trump’s resort in Gaza? After all, it is another episode of ethnic cleansing that the world has been watching, sometimes wordy but always calm and serene, for almost 80 years. Some governments and things like that in the European Union insist, like a mantra, on the “two-state solution” without lifting a finger about it; others express solidarity with Palestine and the Palestinians and either have no influence or feel that they fulfil their duty in this way; the UN risks some more acrimonious words but has the knife and cheese in its hand to enforce laws that it has approved and does not respect; to apply resolutions that it ignores and stores one after another, transformed into diplomatic archaeology and international law. It has its “peace forces”, which it prefers to use as colonial troops; represents all countries on the planet but is afraid of Israel, in addition to being unable to denounce the harmful and toxic concept of Zionism. UN had enough courage and authority to impose sanctions against the apartheid regime in South Africa but are unable or unwilling to do the same against apartheid in Israel Scandal with Trump’s frankness? Perhaps it will motivate some influential leaders to be shocked by the lightness with which the American president addresses the intended fate of the Palestinians and to think seriously about those human beings who struggle to survive in the hell of Gaza in degrading refugee camps and devastated cities and villages; and that they cannot even, because of the “right to existence” of the Zionist State, step on the sand of the beaches, fish by hand or bathe in the warm Mediterranean waters.

There is at least some unrest in political and media circles, without a doubt, also because Trump. What if Biden had uttered the same words as Trump? Would he be a creative president in proposing an effective solution to the Gaza problem? Or just another Christian Zionist complicit in genocide and ethnic cleansing? The doubt remains.

Better late than never, it will be said about the fuss. In this case it is difficult for the aphorism to be true. Trump and his confidant Benjamin Netanyahu – who, let’s be honest, gained new life because his chakras didn’t align very well with Biden’s – will continue the saga against the Palestinian people; the world around, especially in the West, will return to its usual passivity, unable or unwilling to go beyond words. The Palestinians will continue to be alone and unprotected, even with their inexhaustible capacity for struggle and resistance, with only the planetary solidarity of citizens and civic organizations at their side capable of giving them some encouragement and whose effectiveness in development efforts is increasingly notable.

Preventive clarification

This text is not anti-Semitic, it simply disobeys the Zionist decree that intends to equate, once again abusively, the concept of anti-Semitism with the healthy and democratic exercise of criticism of the Zionist doctrine and the behaviour of the State of Israel. Zionism is, in theory and in practice, the most anti-Semitic concept applied to the face of the planet as it defines other Semitic peoples as anti-Semitic, namely Palestinians and even Jewish communities in Palestine who are against the existence of the State of Israel. As for Western governments that accept the Zionist definition of anti-Semitism, even intending to criminalize those who are disobedient and impose it within the framework of a single opinion, they themselves are nothing more than anti-Semites.

The transformation of Gaza, or at least its coast, into closed housing and tourist developments has already been tested and has been in place for almost a quarter of a century.

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The mega construction entrepreneur of global business commissioned in the Presidency of the United States of America, Donald Trump, ostensibly ignoring the filters of dominant political cynicism and assuming the greed inherent in his entrepreneurship, laid his greedy eyes on the Mediterranean coast of the Gaza Strip and deduced that a new, paradisiacal and highly profitable “Riviera” could be built there.

Without knowing it, or perhaps already trying to establish a position, the civil developer-president entered the land claimed by the Zionist settlers, as they have long been demanding a return to the Gaza Strip to explore the paradise according to their own interests.

The transformation of Gaza, or at least its coast, into closed housing and tourist developments has already been tested and has been in place for almost a quarter of a century. The 19 Zionist settlements that existed in the Gaza Strip between 1982 and 2006 were private, luxury condominiums, protected by Israeli troops; they occupied 120 square kilometres, a third of the territory, with seven thousand inhabitants and a density close to 60 inhabitants per square kilometre. Around one and a half million Palestinians then lived in two thirds of the enclave, without access to the sea and with a brutal density of seven thousand inhabitants per square kilometre, the highest in the world, by a long distance. As an example, India’s density is 500 inhabitants per square kilometre, China’s is 145 and Portugal’s is 115. In 2006, war criminal Ariel Sharon, then Prime Minister, ordered the evacuation of the Gaza settlements, not because of any anti-colonization attack but because he intended to start regular terrorist offensives against the territory, continued by Netanyahu, and he did not want to have limits on the scope of military operations because Zionists live there.

In general terms, there could be a concrete impediment to be resolved for Trump’s plan to come to fruition. They lived in the enclave until recently, before Benjamin Netanyahu launched this new stage of the genocide of the original population of Palestine, more than two million people.

For Trump, after all, there is no problem. The inhabitants of the territory are sent to Arab countries, which will have to welcome and integrate them, perhaps ignoring that this process, the most recent version of the “final solution”, has been ongoing for almost eighty years and without integration. He himself, in the person of his son-in-law, invented during the first administration the so-called “Abraham Accords”, which were based on the transfer of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank to the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula and to a very modern and immense city created from scratch, Neom, already under construction in the province of Tabuk, in Saudi Arabia, linked to the aforementioned Sinai Peninsula passing through the Gulf of Aqaba and southern Jordan. In order not to deviate from the spirit of one of the objectives of the project and for the construction of Neom to be carried out in depopulated areas, an ethnic cleansing of the territory has already been carried out, at the behest of the Saudi government, mainly victimizing the Howeitat tribe. The Palestinians expelled to Neom and Sinai would mainly serve millionaire tourists who could exclusively enjoy the delights of the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. The new “Palestine” would then result from a transfer of the population of Gaza and the West Bank to a territory in Sinai by the megalomaniac Neon.

Don’t say that Trump, in his political-business heterodoxy, so to speak, is not a visionary. From Gaza to Sharm-el-Sheik and Neom, from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, in his mind is the largest and most paradisiacal tourist complex on the planet, accessible to half a dozen mafiosi who increasingly control the world. Is this not a glorious anticipation of the spirit of globalism, that bright future for which the West works so hard, even if it costs the lives and expulsion from the places of birth and residence of millions and millions of human beings?

The king goes naked

But the king goes naked. All the nonsense surrounding this extravaganza (to be taken seriously) by Trump is nothing more than a natural fruit of the immense strategy of deception and lies cultivated by mainstream politics to commit the greatest atrocities.

From some governments to the UN, Trump’s words were interpreted, with a reason that cannot be denied, as the intention to carry out ethnic cleansing.

Let’s be serious. Ethnic cleansing has long been underway in Palestine. The “death march” of Lydda in 1948, the massacre of the population of the villages of Deir Yassin, or that of Ramle, in the same year – as an example of the hundreds of Palestinian towns “depopulated” at the same time – are episodes equivalent to the ongoing massacre in Gaza or the mass expulsion carried out a few days ago in Jenin, in the North of the West Bank. It’s the same system; it’s the same process: ethnic cleansing.

Ultimately, these criminal occurrences are an inevitability of the existence of the Nazi, supremacist and racist doctrine of Zionism. “A land without a people for a people without a land” was the first founding principle of Zionism, more than 130 years ago. In other words, Palestine would be uninhabited and waiting for the Jewish people, to whom it was promised by God three thousand years ago, through the pen of Moses.

Palestine, however, was and is populated by a multifaceted and ancient people within which there was a perfectly integrated community of Palestinian Jews who, according to the theses of Zionism, were also simultaneously part of the “landless people”. It is on mystifications like this that the existence of the State of Israel is based, which does not consider itself of this world, is above all others and is not governed by earthly laws but by the dogmas of the Old Testament, with its undeniable stamp of cruelty. None of this prevents the Zionist State from being venerated by practically everyone else on the planet, as if they had a bad conscience due to the Holocaust committed by Hitler, a horror that Zionism hijacked and abusedly invokes and in which not only Jews were slaughtered, as history says, which is not known in Israel and its main allies.

An essential note that never hurts to repeat. Zionism does not represent “the Jews”, whether religious or ethnic. The two groups, Zionists and Jews, are far from overlapping, as, for example, there are not a few Christians – such as the energetic Biden and Trump – who proclaim themselves to be Zionists.

Zionism has no power of attorney to invoke the Holocaust or to consider itself representative of all Jews, many of whom – who tells us they are not the majority? – do not identify with the ethnic cleansing and episodes of genocide committed in their name and considered indispensable for the goal of Zionism to be achieved: the creation of Greater Israel, from the Nile to the Euphrates, at least. This was the land promised by the god of the Zionists, this is the land that Zionism wants to annex, whatever means it has to use. Judaism is not governed by these goals and ambitions. Zionism is a corruption of Judaism, it is a colonial, inhumane and supremacist doctrine that considers other peoples as “foreigners” and without the same rights. None of this has to do with the Jews, Judaism and its immense ancient culture, of which there are great technical, scientific, economic and artistic examples – from literature to music, from painting, sculpture and architecture to cinema.

Reality demonstrated, of course, that Palestine was inhabited. In order for “the Jews” to settle there, it was therefore necessary to expel the Palestinians. An action that should be done, Zionist theorists wrote, to create a state “with a European-type regime.” The so-called “only democracy in the Middle East”, whose results are visible.

But if Palestine was inhabited, a way was found to turn things around and forcefully fit them into the Zionist doctrine.

That is why it is natural to hear Israeli ministers of today and yesterday, far-right activists, religious fanatics or settlers with no roots in Palestine – some are not even Jews, in the true sense of the word – assert that Palestinians “are not human”; or they are “barbarians”, or “animals”, or “savages”, or “sub-humans”; or “Palestinians and other ‘goyim’ (foreigners and non-Jews) have a soul closer to the soul of animals than to the soul of a Jew”, read, in this case, from a Zionist. In short, inferior beings who must be driven away so that “God’s will” can be fulfilled and, finally, that promised land can be sanctified.

Donald Trump, after all, enunciated, with crude and inconvenient words for bad consciences, especially Western ones, a concept that is inherent to Zionism, not Judaism.

Scandal with Trump’s resort in Gaza? After all, it is another episode of ethnic cleansing that the world has been watching, sometimes wordy but always calm and serene, for almost 80 years. Some governments and things like that in the European Union insist, like a mantra, on the “two-state solution” without lifting a finger about it; others express solidarity with Palestine and the Palestinians and either have no influence or feel that they fulfil their duty in this way; the UN risks some more acrimonious words but has the knife and cheese in its hand to enforce laws that it has approved and does not respect; to apply resolutions that it ignores and stores one after another, transformed into diplomatic archaeology and international law. It has its “peace forces”, which it prefers to use as colonial troops; represents all countries on the planet but is afraid of Israel, in addition to being unable to denounce the harmful and toxic concept of Zionism. UN had enough courage and authority to impose sanctions against the apartheid regime in South Africa but are unable or unwilling to do the same against apartheid in Israel Scandal with Trump’s frankness? Perhaps it will motivate some influential leaders to be shocked by the lightness with which the American president addresses the intended fate of the Palestinians and to think seriously about those human beings who struggle to survive in the hell of Gaza in degrading refugee camps and devastated cities and villages; and that they cannot even, because of the “right to existence” of the Zionist State, step on the sand of the beaches, fish by hand or bathe in the warm Mediterranean waters.

There is at least some unrest in political and media circles, without a doubt, also because Trump. What if Biden had uttered the same words as Trump? Would he be a creative president in proposing an effective solution to the Gaza problem? Or just another Christian Zionist complicit in genocide and ethnic cleansing? The doubt remains.

Better late than never, it will be said about the fuss. In this case it is difficult for the aphorism to be true. Trump and his confidant Benjamin Netanyahu – who, let’s be honest, gained new life because his chakras didn’t align very well with Biden’s – will continue the saga against the Palestinian people; the world around, especially in the West, will return to its usual passivity, unable or unwilling to go beyond words. The Palestinians will continue to be alone and unprotected, even with their inexhaustible capacity for struggle and resistance, with only the planetary solidarity of citizens and civic organizations at their side capable of giving them some encouragement and whose effectiveness in development efforts is increasingly notable.

Preventive clarification

This text is not anti-Semitic, it simply disobeys the Zionist decree that intends to equate, once again abusively, the concept of anti-Semitism with the healthy and democratic exercise of criticism of the Zionist doctrine and the behaviour of the State of Israel. Zionism is, in theory and in practice, the most anti-Semitic concept applied to the face of the planet as it defines other Semitic peoples as anti-Semitic, namely Palestinians and even Jewish communities in Palestine who are against the existence of the State of Israel. As for Western governments that accept the Zionist definition of anti-Semitism, even intending to criminalize those who are disobedient and impose it within the framework of a single opinion, they themselves are nothing more than anti-Semites.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

February 14, 2025
February 17, 2025
March 7, 2025

See also

February 14, 2025
February 17, 2025
March 7, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.